
Our guiding thread

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¿What is the Collective?

Zurciendo el planeta is an artivist collective created by women in Latin America who want to be part of the creation of a future that is both environmentally regenerative and socially fair. We share the desire to create positive changes around the planet and in the way we inhabit it. With stubborn optimism we want to contribute to greater awareness of the issues involved and, from the centre of our many societies and communities, with all of their diversity, encourage the profound changes that we all need.

As part of humanity, we recognise that we have contributed to climate change and take action with the consciousness that the situation could become catastrophic by the end of this century if we do not make profound change quickly.

With our artivism we aim to make visible the many more appealing and regenerative alternate futures really do exist. As a species, we have the knowledge and tools to build futures that can not only coexist with nature but strengthen and support her.

We believe that individual actions are necessary, but we are convinced that collective actions are more powerful.


To use art and creativity to relaunch our collective imaginations and reconnect with many so that our societies can make a 180 degree turn towards a future that is both environmentally regenerative and socially just. We seek to facilitate and support local and international proposals by members of the collective and undo environmental and social harms that have affected us all for a long time.


With awareness that an increase of 3 –  4°C would bring  terrible consequences for all the species that inhabit planet Earth, we declare the following principles as our guide and practice:

  • Respect of nature
  • Care for the environment
  • Artivism
  • Social and environmental justice
  • Stubborn optimism
  • Recycle – Reuuse – Repair
  • Diversity and equality
  • Informed and critical approach 
  • Social and ecosystem regeneration
  • Reconnection with nature and between communities
  • Solidarity
  • Circular economy and reciprocity
  • Positive vision of the future
  • The human right to a decent environment
  • Peaceful resistance
  • Collectivity


To use artivism to change the way that people perceive the role of humans in nature and promote the emergence of local projects to regenerate and reconnect with nature and other human communities.

Exercises in visualization asking ourselves What if?? to widen our vision. These enable us to catch a glimpse of possibilities as a starting point for the creation of learning communities, local and global actions and projects. 

To see some of our past visualizations you can read some of these texts: Letter from the future we want and What would happen if the extraction of fossil fuels stopped tomorrow? (Spanish only)


The collective formed during the pandemic in 2020 as a result of a series of virtual workshops called Ecological sewing and urban gardens that were shared from Mexico City. We have used collective stitching on re-used textiles to express our stubborn optimism that another future really IS possible:

  • Los Árboles Hablan (The trees speak), November 2020. Stitched messages on upcycled fabrics in parks around Mexico City, and Buenos Aires and Pergamino in Argentina. 
  • Forest of Hope for COP 26, November 2021. A textile mural for the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. In 2022 the Forest of Hope travelled around Mexico sharing its story of collective action and the stories of all the community groups involved in its creation. In 2023-4 it is in Argentina.

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