
The Cooperative

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We are a women’s cooperative dedicated to making creative products re-using textiles with a look to building a sustainable life. Looking after our environment is a priority for us.

The textile industry is considered the second most polluting industry on the planet (second only to petrochemicals). In Mexico City 500 tons of textile go to landfill every day. Zurciendo el planeta offers you unique, handmade and even bespoke items made from fabrics that have been rescued from going to the dump.

We invite you to join us and help nature: consume with awareness.

Our project is unique in Mexico for combining care for the environment, care for the stitcher-maker-coopmembers, including the intention to generate living wages, something very rare in the industrial textile world of the last 300 years.

Our mission

  • To make new things out of textiles considered rubbish/trash/garbage to contribute to reducing the volume of textiles going to landfill
  • To raise aware and provoke reflections among the general public about how they consume.

Every piece we make, like all the workshops we offer, underscores and reinforces the importance of caring for our natural environments.


Our products aim to enable you to solve your material needs without recourse to NEW fabrics that promote the textile industry and also to prevent more tons of useful material from going to landfill. We seek to involve our clients in a conscious reflection about consumerism, the use and production of raw materials and the well being of workers along the whole production chain.

At the same time, by organising as a cooperative, we seek to demonstrate that a business model that sets up AS PART OF NATURE, to care and safeguard the land and the people, truly is viable.

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